Hemodial Int. 2023 Oct 23. doi: 10.1111/hdi.13123. Online ahead of print.
Patients with end-stage kidney disease may require creation of an arteriovenous fistula in order to receive hemodialysis treatment. The creation may result in several complications, including carpal tunnel syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to relieve symptoms, prevent permanent nerve damage, and improve quality of life. However, the sensory and motor disturbances resembling carpal tunnel syndrome could be related to other etiologies than external compression of the median nerve underneath the transverse ligament. This case report presents eight patients with a radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula, who all had symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Ultrasonographic examination showed a segmental intraneural hypervascularization of a large vessel inside the median nerve proximal to the wrist and arteriovenous fistula anastomosis with garland-like course as well as multiple flow velocities. The neurophysiological findings showed a significant decreased velocity in the ipsilateral forearm to the arteriovenous fistula.
PMID:37872102 | DOI:10.1111/hdi.13123